Presented by
Dr. Nancy W. Burkhart
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Course Description
Oral Diagnosis, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology
This updated live webinar for 2024 (previously title: Body of Evidence: Oral and Physical Manifestations of Disease) will provide a clear understanding of the demographics of patients that will occur during the next twenty years, along with the types of diseases/disorders that will become a focus for practitioners. The population will continue to age, and age-related, chronic diseases will become a focus for healthcare. This course will discuss autoimmune-type diseases, chronic age-related disorders and the cultural implications of health issues in a multi-complex society as these demographics continue to change. Varied product use for patients, coping strategies, exercise and nutritional components will change as well. Cancer considerations, oral disease states and the pathology related to these will be a part of this course.
So many diseases affect the oral tissues and may actually be found in the mouth before other systemic signs are identified. Dentists and dental hygienists are in prime positions to identify these disease states, treat patients and refer when the occasion arises.
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:
- Recognize our changing demographics and becoming familiar with cultural signs, product uses, and disease states associated with various cultural subsets of our global population that may not be readily identified.
- Adapt home care regimens to encompass mucosal disease protocol such as proper application of corticosteroids, brushing modifications and rinse regiments.
- Appreciate the rise in autoimmune diseases and certain cancers.
- Make your office a health-focused practice with patient education and patient follow-up for improvement of total patient health.
- Have an increased understanding of when a patient should be referred for further evaluation to a medical or healthcare professional.
- Appreciate the importance of a thorough head and neck exam for all patients in disease identification and oral cancer detection.
- Gain an understanding of key health factors related to aging and the increase of centenarians in global health.
- Improve your knowledge of what is gained through a tissue biopsy, immunofluorescence identification and the importance of submitting these correctly to determine or differentiate a mucosal lesion.