Presented by
Eric Z. Shapira
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Course Description
Geriatric Dentistry, Special Patient Care
In this three hour live webinar, Dr. Shapira will provide an overview of the topic to enhance and add to your understanding of what is or is not working with a “Special Needs” patient in dental care in your offices, and what one must do to be able to treat this type of patient. Discussion of various Neurodegenerative and Developmental disabilities will be presented and some examples of how to perform dentistry in the easiest and most effective manner on these patients.
A short discussion of the use of General Anesthesia, Conscious Sedation and local anesthetics will be touched on in working with compromised patients of all kinds as well.
“The educational teaching methodology used in this course is live, interactive lecture presented via Zoom webinar with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. Both the live webinar and the PowerPoint presentation incorporate a variety of audio and visual cues to enhance audience members’ understanding and retention of key concepts. In addition, question and answer periods are provided for at the conclusion of each section of the live webinar.”
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:
- Learn what a “Special Needs” Patient is all about.
- Learn about Developmental and Neurodegenerative Disorders.
- Learn the Importance of clinical Assessments.
- Learn and understand the Golden Rule of Patient Care.
- Learn about the Physical Limitations of Caring for a” Special Needs”- compromised patient.
- Learn about the importance of “MID” and using the right materials.
- Discover the reality of being “different” and how most of us cope with our own “Special Needs.”