Course Description
This course is designed to teach the general dentist and the specialist (oral surgeon, periodontist and prosthodontist), how to effectively design, place and restore dental implants with the use of guided implant surgery. In combination with a CBCT scan and an PVS or digital impression, the course will provide all the information how the implant software is helping in virtual and backwards treatment planning which allows the design of the final restoration, prior to the position of the implant(s).
The course has two aspects: the surgical and the prosthetic. The surgical aspect will provide the participants with the knowledge of proper flap management and suturing, placement of implants (immediate or not) with the use of a surgical guide (tooth or mucosal supported) and how to atraumatically execute surgical tooth extractions in cases where the treatment planning involves immediate implant placement or ridge preservation. The prosthetic aspect will provide virtual treatment planning with the use of an implant software (MSOFT), immediate provisionalization after implant placement, open and closed tray final impression (digital and conventional), use of the one abutment technique, immediate loading on implants with prefabricated CAD-CAM restoration and the proper selection of abutments for the final restoration. Multiple cases will be shown from single implants (immediate or not), multiple implants to reconstruct the edentulous maxilla or mandible with CAD-CAM fixed dental prostheses.
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:
- Perform proper treatment planning, using the MSOFT software from a single implant restoration until multiple implants’ restorations
- Distinguish the differences between the regular surgical kit and the guided surgical kit
- Comprehend the Cone Beam CT software and settings
- Perform a clinical scenario of virtual implant treatment planning
- Apply proper flap management and suturing at the time of ridge preservation or implant placement
- Understand the protocol for successful implant placement
- Perform digital implant final impressions
- Perform open or close tray implant final impressions
- Make proper abutment selection
- Provisionalize single or multiple implants
- Comprehend the immediate loading on implants with prefabricated CAD-CAM provisional restoration